Title: Science Verse
Author: Jon Scieszka
Illustrator: Lane Smith
Genre: Youth Fiction
Subgenre: Modern Fantasy/Poetic Fiction
Themes: Science, science terminology, learning in a classroom,
Primary and Secondary Characters: the boy (main character), Mr. Newton, the students
Awards: Picture Book prize in the 2005 Golden Duck Awards
Date of Publication: 2004
Publishing Company: Viking/Penguin Group
This funny and poetic picture book discusses a boy in his science class who is told by his teacher that there is poetry of science in everything. So, after he hears that, he can hear the poetry of science in everything! The author also pokes fun at famous poems such as "The Raven" and "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star." The author discusses scientific topics such as metamorphosis, evolution, the water cycle, dinosaurs, and the food chain. The author makes a funny note as to why also, scientists don't write nursery rhymes.
How it will be used in the classroom:
This book is a great way to get students excited about learning science! The topics covered in this book however are probably geared to students that are in 4th or 5th grade. But, this would be a great way to get them interested in the science topics and hopefully it could be used as a reference to help them learn science too!
This book is a great way to get students excited about learning science! The topics covered in this book however are probably geared to students that are in 4th or 5th grade. But, this would be a great way to get them interested in the science topics and hopefully it could be used as a reference to help them learn science too!
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