Title: Lemons Are Not Red
Author: Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Illustrator: Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Genre: Children's Fiction
Subgenre: Early Reader Modern Fantasy
Themes: identifying colors, animals, fruits, objects, bed time story
Primary and Secondary Characters: lemons, apples, carrots, eggplant, flamingo, elephant, reindeer, snowmen, grass, sky, the moon and night
Awards: American Library Association Notable Children's Book 2005
Date of Publication: 2004
Publishing Company: A Neal Porter Book/Roaring Book Press
This color-crazed book adventures a world of what certain objects would be like if they were a different color. But, the author makes sure that you know what color that object really is! For instance, lemons are not red, they are yellow, and the author shows a lemon that is red, but then quickly corrects herself and shows a lemon that is the correct color, yellow. There are many other objects that are discolored in this book and it's funny to see what a purple carrot looks like! The books ends with a cute quote, "the night is black...good night!" So this really makes for a great bed time book!
How it will be used in the classroom:
This would be a great book to have in a classroom for pre-k or kindergarten. The children would love to be able to see what a red lemon looks like, or what a gray flamingo is! This is also a great way for them to continue to recognize colors and how they are spelled. This could make for a fun activity for them to make different objects turn different colors and then correct them by coloring them the right color!
This would be a great book to have in a classroom for pre-k or kindergarten. The children would love to be able to see what a red lemon looks like, or what a gray flamingo is! This is also a great way for them to continue to recognize colors and how they are spelled. This could make for a fun activity for them to make different objects turn different colors and then correct them by coloring them the right color!
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